Which Colors Should I Choose for My Walls?

By Dawn ElisePosted August 24, 20200 Comments
Which Colors Should I Choose for My Walls?

Moving in a new place or just ready for something new? Picking the colors of your walls is a pretty important decision and can have a big effect on the entire atmosphere of your place.

Every year new trends arise – go bold and colorful, wait no go all white, no all grey, use black, no not black. At the end of the day, we don’t even know if we chose this deep red in our living room because it’s our favorite color or if it became our favorite color because it is trendy…

Instead of focusing on the latest trend, let’s take a look at the psychology behind colors, what kind of feeling some colors give us so you can decide the colors you want not based on what is trendy but rather on the energy you want to promote in your room.

What’s your favorite color?

For some people it is a super easy question, for others it might be a bit more complicated. Start by looking at the clothes you wear the most : what colors and shades are they? What about your water bottle, phone case, nail polish? Pay attention to the objects in your life that you love and the colors they have. This will give you a good idea on the colors you feel most attracted to in your life.

What do colors mean?

Colors communicate energies and emotions. They can evoke feelings of warmth, creativity, peace, anger, sadness, etc. Taking a moment to understand how colors make you feel more than just how it looks will be beneficial while you are decorating your home.

A feeling about a certain color is also personal and cultural. Keep in mind that everyone might love one color that you dislike and it’s okay. Give yourself space to feel the color and understand how it makes you feel. You’ll be the one living with it and seeing it every single day.


If black can  make you feel calm and creative. Mixing black elements or painting one wall all black can be beneficial to make you feel grounded. I think there should always be a hint of black in a room.


We have seen a lot more white in the last few years, especially in the minimalist movement. White helps create more visual space in your room and add brightness to it. It can bring peace and calm but if used without accents or other decoration white room can also be sterile. Mixing white walls with wood furniture works well to feel warm and comfortable.


Red is a fun and bold color that can quickly be too intense or overwhelming. Used as an accent color on the other hand will bring warmth and excitement into your room.

It is also considered as a color that stimulates the appetite so can be great in kitchen and dining room if that is what you are looking for.


Pink makes you feel good and bring the feminine and loving energy in the room. Some shades can also bring a tropical element to the room which keeps it fun.


Yellow is a bright color that can bring out some great energy when used carefully. Great when you’re using it your kitchen or dining room, the color of the sun helps us feel joyful and social which might make family dinners even more enjoyable.


A favorite for many, especially for men. Blue brings calmness and serenity to the room which can help in bedrooms for sleep. It is also known to help with productivity which is why it is often used in office spaces.


Green represents nature and brings a sense of calmness and safety to the space. It also makes a room feel fresh and harmonious. Sage green is a good alternative to bring this relaxing nature note without overwhelming the space.


Purple can invoke a range of emotions. Darker hues can add drama and mystery while lighter hues like lavender can make a space feel very calm and peaceful. Purple can be used as an accent or on every wall depending on the vibe you’re trying to create in a space.

Make sure to sit with the colors and ask yourself how they make you feel. You may find one color particularly beautiful, but they make you feel too energized for the purpose of the room. Knowing this will help you decide if they belong on your walls and in which room they will be best added.

If you would like more information on how to pair colors with each other or which color to choose depending on the purpose of your room, contact us today. We’d love to help you.

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