How To Plan An Interior Design Project And Finish It Successfully

By Dawn ElisePosted October 8, 20200 Comments
How To Plan An Interior Design Project And Finish It Successfully

Starting and successfully finishing an interior design project takes more than conceptual ideas, it requires some serious planning.

Since the beginning of the lockdown, we are seeing a huge amount of people taking on new renovation and decoration projects for their home. Of course, now is an optimal time to give our interior a new look. Since we are stuck inside with more time on our hands might as well make our home a space we genuinely enjoy.

Some of the most common projects right now have been updating common areas such as the kitchen or family room and private spaces like bedrooms and bathrooms. Since we are all spending more time in these spaces, we may notice the need for some updates.

Before tearing down walls, lets highlight some key elements to consider at the beginning of any interior design projects to make sure to conduct it until the end successfully.

1. Figure out What’s not Working

Your renovation needs to start from the beginning by truly knowing the space you are working with.

First ask yourself: why would I like to change this space, what is wrong with it, what do I don’t like about it?

Be as specific as you can to find better solutions to the problem. If you decide to repaint your kitchen because you don’t like the current color but don’t take the time to understand why you actually don’t like it you might end up with something you hate even more.

2. Start Envisioning

Spend some time envisioning how the place will look like once the renovations are done. Picture your family in it daily. Make notes of how the room will be used, how often and by whom. This is an important step because it will help you to really picture the space when done and see what needs to be added or removed for the room to be both efficient and comfortable. Knowing exactly how the room will be used will help you stay practical.

3. Involve The Family

For common spaces it could be a good idea for a family discussion so that everyone’s needs are met. This could encourage more family time and a space everyone loves. Sometimes it helps to have different perspectives to come up with ideas you may never have thought of organically.

4. Size and Details Matter

Get to know every detail and measurement of the room you will be redesigning. Measure walls and furniture that will stay, know where the electrical plugs and light switches are located. Take inventory of every little detail you would like to change so you can do them all at once. If you are working with any professionals, keeping a clear list of what needs to be fixed is important. This will make it easier when asking for a quote, too.


5. Make a Visual

Its important that your new space as functional as it is beautiful. Before starting any transformation in your house, go find inspiration on Pinterest, read magazine and blogs until you find the idea that really fits your vision. Then its important to have a floor plan that would work best for the space. Some layouts may be beautiful but lack function so the goal is to have function and beauty.

If you are looking for a team of experts to help you make your renovation project a success, let’s chat. We are excited to see what you would like to transform in your house and help make it even more beautiful.


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