5 Tips for Making our Homes a Happy Space During A Pandemic

By Dawn ElisePosted August 21, 20200 Comments
5 Tips for Making our Homes a Happy Space During A Pandemic

We can’t change the current situation, but we can learn from it. As we went from being carefree and going to the grocery store every time we needed something to then being germ-obsessed wiping down every single item that is coming back into our homes, we are now looking into finding a new balance that can serve us.

Which habits can we implement during this pandemic that could help us  have a cleaner, happier, and more comfortable home? Let’s take a look.

1. No shoes inside policy

Taking our shoes off before entering the house is a great habit to keep. Not only does it prevent bringing back a lot of germs from the streets but it also helps keep the house cleaner with less dirt around.

It creates a ritual that respects your home and make it your sacred cocoon. Take your shoes off, you are now entering your comfortable space. If it might be an effort at first it will soon feel weird to walk with your shoes inside when you could be wearing your comfy slippers instead.

TIP: Make it easy for you to keep that rule. Add a shoe rack by the entrance.

2. Wear your mask

Masks have shown their efficiency to keep us and others safe from viruses. According to the CDC, “The main protection individuals gain from masking occurs when others in their communities also wear face coverings”. This means we can all do our part of trying to prevent the spread by wearing our mask.

TIP: Hang it by the door just like you would with your scarf and umbrella so you are reminded of wearing it when you leave the house.

3. Declutter your home

Since we are all at home a lot more, we may be using our homes more we ever have before. I personally have been spending more time in my kitchen than I ever have before. Since our homes are getting more use, there may be more clutter. A decluttered house is so much easier to clean and keep in order. The more stuff you have laying on the counters, the more furniture on the floor, the more frames on the wall, the longer it takes to clean your place. All these things take time and energy to keep in good standing. The best part is adopting a more minimalist design will make you feel so much better when you walk in your home and will help to keep your mind clear.

TIP: Get rid of anything you don’t use anymore and add closed storage spaces. Have a specific spot for every object that you find so it will help you keep things organized and prevent losing items

4. Keep the air fresh

Keep the air circulating in your house, open your windows a few times during the day to keep some fresh air in the rooms. It will make the whole room feel more breathable and you will feel more energized.

TIP: Make sure your windows are easily accessible and not blocked by furniture. Think of adding candles, an air purifier or, an essential oil diffuser for an added natural smell.

5. Wash your hands!

Keep the habit to wash your hands more often and especially when you are coming from outside. Even if there are no pandemics outside, there are still a lot of microbes you don’t want to bring back in your house.

TIP: Add a soap with your favorite smell next to the sink and some hand lotion so your skin doesn’t dry out.

We can use this time to make our home a sacred place where it feels good to come back to. If you need more help on how to create your unique cocoon and how to keep your place organized and clean, contact us today.

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