5 Interior Design Tips to Renovate Your Kitchen in Style

By Dawn ElisePosted September 7, 20200 Comments
5 Interior Design Tips to Renovate  Your Kitchen in Style

For a long time, the kitchen was a functional place: a place where we prepare food, that’s it. Yet, isn’t the kitchen where the party really happens, isn’t the kitchen where we have some of the best conversations, isn’t the kitchen where we take our regular meals instead of going to the dinner table? What if we decided to spend a little more time making this functional place an inviting, warm room, and the true heart of the house? That would make cooking so much more enjoyable.

Here are 5 interior design tips to take into consideration when renovating your kitchen:

1. Choose bold colors for your kitchen cabinets:

Soft and light colors on your kitchen walls such as white, light grey or cream are a hit when mixed with bold colorful cabinets to create exciting contrasts.

Pick a green color to bring in more nature and positive energy. Blue cabinets will add a more relaxing and serene note to the place to counterbalance the heat and stress that can sometimes happen in the kitchen. Black brings a more dramatic and luxurious look to the general space, while red showcases the passion of food and can also open up your appetite.

Go with your gut and don’t be afraid to go bold!

2. Add natural accents:

Include natural material in your kitchen to bring a soft, warm, comfortable atmosphere. Choose bamboo shades for your windows, rattan light shades, a walnut fruit bowl as a centerpiece, natural tones vases, etc. Make the kitchen more personal by hanging up pictures on the walls using light wood frames. Get rid of plastic containers and switch to beautiful jars that you will want to display and make a part of your decoration.

3. Bring the greenery inside:

Bring your kitchen to life by adding flowers and plants in your space. Go for big leafy plants on the floor, hanging plants for the wall or display an indoor herb planter that you can take advantage of when cooking your recipes. Not only is it a great decoration but you will also start noticing the difference in taste when using fresh herbs that you have grown yourself.

4. Keep it functional:

Cooking can get messy. It can require a lot of dishes and steps, sometimes multiple people working at the same time. A spacious clutter-free countertop is essential. Keep the essentials on your kitchen countertop and store the rest away. Choose a durable material for your countertop that is both stylish and convenient. Marble is a go-to for its elegance and it’s easy to clean. It handles high temperature very well but be mindful that scratches can be quickly shown. Using wood is another popular option: it gives a warmer look but can require more care. Do your research on the type of material you are ready to use and take care of.

Another good way to keep your kitchen organized is to make good use of heights using open “floating” shelving. Display your beautiful jars, favorite wine glasses, spices, plants to give it a stylish look.

5. Finish it with a beautiful backsplash

Backsplash is not only very functional but it also helps keep your kitchen clean while adding its own personality.

There are different options for you depending on the general style of the kitchen you are going for. Brick for more industrial looking, stone to make it look more rustic, wood for a more natural look or tiles for its versatility and its easiness to keep clean.

When picking the color, height and design of the tile make sure to take into consideration all the elements of the kitchen: the color and material of the countertop, of the cabinets, of the tableware, of the floor.

Let’s make your kitchen your new favorite room in the house and see the effect it has on your entire family and your eagerness and creativity while cooking. If you need help finding the perfect design for your kitchen while taking into consideration the space you have, contact us today. We’re here to help and make your house the home you’ve always dreamed of.

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